Get the camera ready; this may be the debut of your little walker. While some children may not reach the walking milestone until 17 months or so, many babies are ready to start. Keep an eye on them because they will be unsteady on their feet and can take off like a rocket without much control!
Feeding Baby: Your child is ready to start using a spoon. While it won’t be a neat experience, it will delight him as he continues to gain independence and improve his hand to eye coordination. You may possibly still be breastfeeding or giving him formula. You can supplement this with more finger foods and soft choices. Cut up fruit or mash it, puree meats, cut up soft foods such as small bites of fresh bread. Give him macaroni and cheese and eggs. Your baby is swallowing much more easily now and may even be getting some teeth coming in.
Your Baby’s Sleep: Don’t be alarmed if your baby starts to resist naps. There are just too many new things out there for him to miss. Make sure you allow your child to wind down before putting him to bed and follow a structured bedtime routine.
Your Baby’s Motor Skills: Your baby now has an attention span of up to five minutes. His pincer grasp is quite developed so he can now pick up even tinier objects from everywhere. Your baby will love to push, throw and knock down anything in his path and if you give them some pots and pans, you will have yourself one very happy child.
Your Baby’s Social Skills: Your baby is starting to form recognizable words so keep talking to him. He loves nothing more than to be the center of attention. When playing with other children, your baby will not necessarily play “with” them but “next” to them. Your child is the master copycat right now and will imitate those who are most important in his life. You may notice him pretending to talk on a phone or brushing his hair. You also may be seeing the emergence of some temper tantrums. Very normal at this stage since he experiences frustration over not being able to master things quickly or being told no when he wants to do something. Don’t be alarmed if you find your baby undressed frequently. This is a great source of entertainment for one-year-olds.
- Your baby loves the water but be cautious and never leave him unattended.
- Make sure you have gates up and locks on the cabinets and doors.
- Keep any and all small objects, cleaning supplies and medicines out of baby’s reach.
- Don’t let your baby near direct or second-hand smoke.
- Be mindful when leaving your baby with new caretakers or meeting new people. Separation anxiety is quite common.
- Brush you baby’s teeth daily. Molars are emerging.
Enjoy the newfound skills your baby has developed. He may wear you out but it will be a joyful fatigue as you watch your baby grow into toddler hood.